The next two Firsts are milestones we reached this summer. One is a lost tooth for Miss Oo. She is soooo excited about this. She first noticed it was loose when she felt pain biting into an ear of sweet corn. Ouch! I thought perhaps she had bit into the metal corn holder. Once we noticed her tooth was loose, her tears of pain turned into tears of joy and nervousness (I don't think she knew there could be pain involved with loosing a tooth).
Like all kids, she played constantly with her loose tooth — restraining herself only when Adrian was out of town, so that she wouldn't lose it while he was away. About a week later, she wiggled it a little and then plucked it out. Holy cow! You would've thought she had won a jackpot. The jumping up and down and squealing... she looked just like a contestant on The Price Is Right. I was so excited for her — she felt so left out this past school year every time a classmate lost another tooth.
Smaller than Lincoln's head...
I admit I was a wee sad to see that little tooth go. It was the very first tooth she cut as a baby.
The other significant "First" this summer is the kids' first roller coaster ride...

Don't judge their overall reaction to the coaster by their facial expressions. They LOVED it! And they wanted to go on again and again. Coaster-lovers that we are, Adrian and I were thrilled by this, and we eagerly await the days when the kids are tall enough to ride the big coasters and their legs are long enough to keep up with us as we run through the park.