On Sunday we had a massive wind storm, with gusts up to 78mph throughout a 6-hour period. We saw lots of twigs and leaves fall, but the true strength of the storm didn't phase us until a large branch fell down in our front yard. I saw it as it happened, and I let out such a yelp, that Oo's curiosity was suddenly peaked and she desperately wanted to go out to feel the wind in her hair. (No, silly, we did not take her out there.)
Remembering the large tree that fell on our next-door neighbor's house, barely missing ours, we did not want the kids to sleep in their front bedrooms while the high wind warning continued until midnight. So A moved their mattresses into our back bedroom so they could camp out there for the night.
The novelty of mattresses on the floor made it hard for them to settle down and fall to sleep. To get them to nod off, I had to play the role of "bedtime referee." I positioned myself between their make-shift beds and called out the fouls as they happened: "Shhh, no talking. Shhh, no singing. Stay on your bed. You're not allowed on his bed. T, lie down and go nite-nite. Stop fidgeting and just close your eyes. Lie down. Shhh, lie down. Shhh. LIE DOWN!
Eventually they pooped themselves out and I was able to retreat downstairs to watch TV. We checked on them periodically and all seemed well. When we tip-toed into our room shortly after 11:00, we could not find T! He wasn't on his mattress, or next to it. He hadn't climbed into Oo's bed either. After a frantic search in the dark, we found him. He had rolled off his mattress (apparently w/o waking up) and rolled about 4 feet away, laying perpendicularly between our bed and dresser. It was a picture-worthy moment, but after playing referee, I did not want to risk waking them with a camera flash.
The next day (and the 2 days after that), we picked up sticks and twigs in our yard. Oo thought that was fun, and she was a big help. Of course, she did take the occasional break to climb on and through the big branch, pretending she was a jungle explorer.

T couldn't have cared less about the mess in the yard. He was just thrilled to be running around outside while Mommy and Oo were somewhat distracted. Escape artist that he is, he made many attempts to cut through other yards or to run off down the sidewalk. You can imagine why it took us 3 days to pick up all the sticks!