I dropped T off at Aunt Pandy's, so I could sit in class with Oo on her first day. Then Oo and I made the 25-minute drive to class. (Why enroll in a class so far away? Long story.) The long drive gave us time to go over the teacher's rules: raise your hand and wait to be called on, keep your hands and feet to yourself, and listen to others. You should have seen Oo's face light up when she saw her teacher -- Miss Kelly -- for the first time!
I was so proud of Oo in class. She followed all the rules as best she could, and only a couple times did her excitement get the best of her.
The theme today was leaves. They listened to stories about leaves, did a scavenger hunt for paper leaves (and then counted the leaves and named their colors), glued leaf pictures into a booklet, and made leaves with Play-doh and leaf cookie cutters.
Before we left the building, I had her pose for this picture. She looked a little sad, so I asked her what she thought about her school. She said it was boring and that she didn't learn anything. I was proud that she was able to articulate her disappointment, and I can understand why she felt the way she did. Ah well, at least she IS learning how to behave in a classroom. And that is a lesson she's going to use for years to come.
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