His interest in letters has since grown way beyond license plates. And it's extending beyond the fridge magnets that I've blogged about in a few earlier entries. T has begun to recognize letter-like shapes in his food, on my bed spread, in shadows, and in his own scribbles.
Today, when I set T's breakfast down in front of him, he excitedly screamed "E! E! E!" I looked down at his tray and, sure enough, his Frosted Mini Wheats were by chance lying in an E-like formation.
T is also beginning to make letters out of french fries, Lincoln Logs, and crayons. He does this by holding two fries/logs/crayons in one hand and looking to see how the items stick out from between his fingers. Since he only has two things in his hand at once, he currently can only make the letters L, T, V, X and Y. But I'm waiting. I'm sure it won't be long now before he starts arranging smaller food, like Cheerios or Goldfish crackers into other letter formations on his tray.
I've been trying and trying to catch one of these letter moments on camera, but I've had no luck. So here's a picture of T sporting his two-piece Elmo PJs -- too cute not to share!
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