Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ever since Oo began talking, Adrian and I have diligently written down any goofy gem that the kids have said that we think is worth remembering. To capture as many quotes from them as possible, we grab the first slip of paper we can find, write down the date and the setting/situation, and then the quote verbatim. All of these slips of paper are then thrown into a designated box to be read at a later date.

We've never gone back to read through the quotes. We're waiting for a special occasion to do so. One thing's for sure... when they're all grown up, I'm going to compile their quotes into a book for each of them. Considering the doozies that Oo and T have uttered, it should be a good read!

Doing a little cleaning today, I came across a stack of quotes that have not yet made it into the box, which I lovingly keep on a shelf in my closet. They're not the most hilarious things that the kids have said, but I wanted to share them before they are shut away for years to come.

T - 9.12.10
(out of the clear blue) "Hippos have nice feet, and lions' feet are scratchy. And we don't have to tickle them."

Oo - 9.18.10
(watching the final round of a dog show on TV, very nervous and excited...) "Who's it going to be? Who's it going to be?" (then chanting before the announcement was made...) "Poo-dle. Poo-dle. Poo-dle. Poo-dle."

T - 9.20.10
(During a dinner of Chinese takeout, T talks about a book he wants to check out of the library, "Prehistoric Actual Size." After dinner, he gets a fortune cookie and cracks it open.)
T: What's this say?
Adrian: It says, "People rise to your expectations."
T: No, no, no, let me see. (he takes the paper) It says, "You... hafta... get... that... book... from... the... library!"
(The next day we went to the library and checked out the book — both versions of his fortune came true!)

T - 10.27.10
(3-year-old logic)
T: Mom, I can't eat that yucky banana.
Me: Why is it yucky?
T: Because I might sneeze on it.

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